OneCNCXR2 8.32

Update OneCNCXR2 V8.32 all versions release date 8th September 2007

OneCNCXR2 all versions

Adjustment to DXF import to better handle invalid entities being output by other CAD.

OneCNCXR2 All Milling versions

The Hole wizard was modified to better handle switching between incremental and absolute during editing and changing of absolute and incremental during editing.

Hole wizard chamfer was modified to eliminate the confusion between absolute and incremental as it now just works from material top.

OneCNCXR2 Lathe all versions

OneCNCXR2 lathe post was altered on the general settings page General Format> Tool Format.

There were three settings in the box T0101 T101 and T1

There are now just 3 settings T0101 and T101

There is no change in the action the T1 was removed to assist in eliminating confusion.

If a machine post requires the T1 format you would now remove the {D} offset in the post.

T0101format actually means T01 being the tool number and the next 01 being the offset format not the ability of 9999 too. T101 being the less popular the T1 is the tool number only and the following 01 again being the offset.

There is no need for any changes to your post with this change the modification has been made just to assist in preventing incorrect in the lathe post.