OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXP 5.45

OneCNCXP 5.45 is released please download.

Toolnotes now work like this:
Notes put into the tool notes is a one off note for that tool on that occasion. The tool note is not carried over or to another tool or even to the next tool in the program. It is always retained a a note for that tool on that occasion and of course can be edited using the edit procedure in the NC manager.

This means that when selecting a tool there are no notes in the notes unless you put them in.

New CAM Post Feature:
Cycles now accept variables for mid lines of cycles. There are some older controllers that require special variables as there are new controllers introducing variables for mid lines of cycles.

This function covers those situations.

One example of this is:
For a Philips Dialog 4 Control of the 1980's they need a variable number in front of the boringcyles for each line.

N10 N*1 G81 F140 S+800 Z-10.
N11 N*1 G00 X10. Y10.
N12 N*1 G00 X20.Y20.

This can be done by creating a new user variable and adding it to the cycle.
There are many other cases but this just describes one particular one.


OneCNCXP 5.44

OneCNCXP 5.44 is released please download

This update adds new methods of setting tool profile offset for the users with older controllers that have difficulty with cutter diameter offset. This now allows for automatic offset by OneCNC with the codes for wear size control assuming zero offset at the control.

The only values for diameter you would use at the control would be the adjustment for diameter wear or spring.

This completes all the additions to this OneCNCXP series.


OneCNCXP 5.43

OneCNCXP 5.43 is released please download.

This update corrects a problem found in certain circumstances in the verification of a full circle movement in 2D graphically due to opengl although the NC code would be correct.

This update now corrects that verification for all graphics cards.

OneCNCXP is shipped with the NC post settings circular movement set to half which verifies correctly and this update is not required for that.

Users setting their NC post setting to full circular movement should check that their machine can handle it correctly to ensure it is the same as the correct verification.

Some machines can have a problem with this due to the fact that the start and end point of the movement is in the same position.

Please download this update.